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Saving you money. Not just on Cyber Monday. Supplements 10% discount.

It's Monday after Thanksgiving. It's the last day of crazy cyber sales. But this discount lasts ALL.YEAR.LONG.

I believe that healthcare professionals have access to higher-quality supplements than you can get online or in most stores. Did you know that many of the higher quality supplement companies won't sell to a Whole Foods or even contract with Amazon? Also, some supplements are light- and/or heat-sensitive, which means if they haven't been properly stored, you are paying for a whole lot of waste. In short, be careful of what you buy. I encourage you to work with a trusted advisor, like a nutritionist.

There are studies saying supplements are a waste of money. Generally, I agree. Most of the stuff on the market is junk. I tell a lot of my clients to throw away their supplements. HOWEVER, for specific, short-term needs, I've seen supplementation help people sleep better, improve mood, positively alter digestion, eliminate diarrhea, and more.


While I still encourage you to work with a nutritionist to determine what's best for you...

I'm giving you access to supplements, teas, bath and body products via my e-dispensary for a 10 percent discount.

Why? Because I want you to purchase better quality supplements so they have a better chance of making a difference in your health.


With no regulation of the supplement industry, most manufacturers won't spend the money to work with a third-party regulator. However, the supplements I recommend to my clients, many of which are found in my e-dispensary, are third-party regulated. I spent ten years in the pharmaceutical industry. It means something to me when I speak with the different companies to understand their quality assurance and guarantees.

Thank you for trusting me to source you with the highest quality supplements available. In the event there is a supplement that you would like but need my pre-authorization in order to purchase it, please contact me directly via email.

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