Saving you money. Not just on Cyber Monday. Supplements 10% discount.

It's Monday after Thanksgiving. It's the last day of crazy cyber sales. But this discount lasts ALL.YEAR.LONG.
I believe that healthcare professionals have access to higher-quality supplements than you can get online or in most stores. Did you know that many of the higher quality supplement companies won't sell to a Whole Foods or even contract with Amazon? Also, some supplements are light- and/or heat-sensitive, which means if they haven't been properly stored, you are paying for a whole lot of waste. In short, be careful of what you buy. I encourage you to work with a trusted advisor, like a nutritionist.
There are studies saying supplements are a waste of money. Generally, I agree. Most of the stuff on the market is junk. I tell a lot of my clients to throw away their supplements. HOWEVER, for specific, short-term needs, I've seen supplementation help people sleep better, improve mood, positively alter digestion, eliminate diarrhea, and more.
While I still encourage you to work with a nutritionist to determine what's best for you...
I'm giving you access to supplements, teas, bath and body products via my e-dispensary for a 10 percent discount.
Why? Because I want you to purchase better quality supplements so they have a better chance of making a difference in your health.
With no regulation of the supplement industry, most manufacturers won't spend the money to work with a third-party regulator. However, the supplements I recommend to my clients, many of which are found in my e-dispensary, are third-party regulated. I spent ten years in the pharmaceutical industry. It means something to me when I speak with the different companies to understand their quality assurance and guarantees.